Technology Makes THE Difference

In 2022, LMTD is making the difference with technology in Africa.

Many in Africa have little or no access to technology, the Internet, or computers. This limits people from taking advantage of online opportunities for education and employment.

Let’s Make The Difference, Inc. (LMTD) wants to change that by creating community computer centers across Africa. Our goal is to work with existing nonprofits and to support them with computers and equipment to access the Internet. Our strategic plan is to purchase routers and support their internet costs to save money immediately, and eventually purchase satellite dishes as service becomes available in 2023.


Amazing What They Do With A Smartphone!

Here is what it is like there now; many people have phones, and some even have smartphones. Those that do have become quite adept and building websites, doing graphic design, and learning new skills to compete using the small devices. Computers are expensive in comparison to the living wage. We have made many connections with community centers in the refugee camps in Kenya, where there is very little opportunity to work to afford the exorbitant cost of data bundles for cell phone data. We can provide new hope and real economic options for them.


The Answer: Computer Community Centers.

LMTD has supported multiple centers and launched new ones in several countries. This is critical for taking the next strategic step; our commitment to make the difference in Africa by creating economic empowerment; offering sponsorship for leadership courses, business, and entrepreneurial courses, and training people for community leadership.


We Are Already Seeing Results.

With online live classes, we can provide educational training and personal growth and development opportunities.  Our results have shown a positive impact on their families and communities, and a chance to lift them out of poverty into new jobs or businesses. We offer business plan development and microlending and connection to potential employers. We are already seeing the difference that technology and education are making for many people in Africa.